Trump or Biden, India-America relations are on an upward trajectory

There was a time not very long ago when India was looked down upon to the extent that we had become symbolic of ‘The third world’. Every malaise and societal ill was attributed to India, sometimes rightly and at other times, owing to the stereotype associated with ‘those sort of poor nations’. Times change. A lot of water has since flown in the Ganges, Yangtze, Amazon, Nile, Thames and every river that the readers consider important and today we are in an entirely different global setting - one in which every major country with the exception of our troublesome neighbour up north speak of their association with India fondly even as they seek to build on the ‘strong foundations’ we have with them. The mighty United States is no exception. The recent visit of their Secretaries of State and Defence are a case in point. Old habits die hard Joseph R. Biden and Donald J. Trump are theoretically representative of their country’s ideological bandwidth – Liberal to Conservative, Left...