The Clash Of Civilisations

Even as the Hindu community stood aghast at the sheer brutality of Kanhaiya Lal’s murder in Udaipur, Rajasthan, another life was claimed – Umesh Kolhe in Amravati, Maharashtra - by fanatics belonging to the same religion – Islam. Their unending bloodthirst still not quenched, radical Muslims stabbed Munish Bhardwaj in Haryana. The horrific details of each of these incidents stunned Hindus. For the sole ‘crime’ of expressing support for a woman who quoted an Islamic scripture, Hindus lost their lives. And it would be naïve to believe the mob is done killing. Many more will die. Several heads will be chopped off. And this slow, discomforting reality that their lives are supremely dispensable breaks Hindus from within, each day, everyday. Till they become so conditioned to murders that a new body count doesn’t even register anymore. Hindus sigh and move on. The Clash of Incompatible Philosophies A life system that developed in the landmass between the mighty Indian Ocean and the imp...